Hello there! Welcome to my blog, I am so glad you found it. For those of you returning, welcome back.

I just want to reintroduce my blog. It started as a way to share opinions, faith, and random venting and it was actually doing quite well. After moving back in with my mom, I lost motivation to blog and honestly had no idea what to blog about. I felt that by not engaging in some form of writing I was wasting my talents, so I asked God if He wanted me to continue and how I should.

A month and a few weeks later, God answered me. I watched a TD Jakes interview hosted by Steven Furtick and my mindset on my blog changed. I realized I needed to meet a need. While blogging, the most common questions I received were as follows: How can I find/develop a relationship with God? How do I know what God wants me to do with my life? When/how do I start? I just don't feel motivated, what can I do?

When thinking about these questions I realized the hunger we have as young people to find our God-given purpose. After all, the Bible urges us to work while we're young and enjoy our work. That is what we all want to do. So I re-branded my blog. It is no longer all about me, but it is about me helping you. God showed me many things and I want to share what I've learned with you all. I am not claiming to be an expert, just someone who walks with the One who is an expert on all things.

On this blog you will find answers to the questions listed above and many others. God has given me so much wisdom and advice for you all. It is divided into sections labeled: GOD + ME = BFFs, ARE YOU LISTENING?, TIME IS TICKING, and WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? The order of these is important because the first step is a relationship with God. Our lives are hidden in Christ and whatever we are meant to do is only revealed through fellowship with Him. Then, we must hear what He says, have a sense of urgency to do it, and remove anything that would try to stop us.

I also offer consultation for specific advice on how to find your God-given purpose. It is offered on a "pay what you can" basis to make it affordable and available for many. As TD Jakes put it, "to be fruitful you have to be seed full." Sometimes we need someone to show us our seeds. This consultation gives practical ways to grow close to God, offers biblical advice along with specific verses and stories to study, helps you identify the seeds (talents + strengths) that God planted in you, cultivate your talents into a vision, rediscover lost dreams, and make a plan to get it done. 

I pray that this blog is a blessing to each and every one of you who stops by. I hope that God's message of hope is spread through these words. I don't want anyone to pursue God simply for the blessings or for a career, but to please Him by doing what He created us for. I want all of us to bless others by shining our lights that they may praise our Father. So many of us have believed the devil's lies that we are good for nothing, don't have talents, and have no future. God wants me to tell you "no more!"

God bless you all 



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